Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Installing UFW – Uncomplicated Firewall on Ubuntu 12.04

    If you are one of those nerdy types and use iptables, ignore this. If you are like the rest of us Ubuntu users (nerdy in denial), UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) provides a handy tool to configure your firewall. Here’s how to install. As root, type: apt-get install ufw If this can’t find the package, run apt-get…

  • Need to install jpegtran?

    If you are optimizing your blog/site, you may end up needing a package for optimizing images called jpegtran It is a part of another package called  libjpeg-progs To install, simply install the package, like so apt-get install libjpeg-progs Done.

  • Need to install jpegtran?

    If you are optimizing your blog/site, you may end up needing a package for optimizing images called jpegtran It is a part of another package called  libjpeg-progs To install, simply install the package, like so apt-get install libjpeg-progs Done.

  • How to create an admin area on fake domain

    Often, you need to have areas of your site that you access through a browser, that you don’t want anyone else to access. These can be control panels or scripts with phpinfo or your apc cache monitoring script. what I do is create a fake domain for these and give them their own site. For…

  • Phpize: Command not found?

    So you are on Debian, trying perhaps to install an opcode cache or something and you use try to do it with pecl with pecl install apc for example. And you can’t, because phpize is not installed. Then you try to compile it and run into the same problem. Then you try to find out…

  • How to forward only .onion or .i2p urls selectively

    If you are like me and don’t need to use TOR so much for anonymity as for accessing interesting hidden sites, the overall slow speed of TOR probably bothers you for normal browsing. The need to toggle proxies or start two separate browsers probably bugs you too. Now I have found .i2p which is similar…

  • Install APC and fix “potential cache slam” problem

    APC is an Alternative PHP Cache or Opcode cache that speeds up performance dramatically by caching queries. How to install APC? apt-get install php5-apc You will have to enble it in the php configuration. Add the following to your php.ini file extension=apc.so Alternatively, you could create a separate apc.ini file and put it in the…

  • How to install APC and fix “potential cache slam” problem

    APC is an Alternative PHP Cache or Opcode cache that speeds up performance dramatically by caching queries. How to install APC? apt-get install php5-apc or pecl install apc You will have to enble it in the php configuration. Add the following to your php.ini file extension=apc.so Alternatively, you could create a separate apc.ini file and…

  • WordPress: Problem happened with plugin upgrade – can’t delete old files

    When you get an error like this while updating, check file ownership. Chances are that you edited something in the backend and the plugin or theme files now being owned by another user, cannot be deleted by the server. If you have terminal access as root, type: chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/wordpress/* Where www-data is the…

  • Varnish won’t start – Too many arguments (\…)

    So you set up Varnish. You really did everything right, but when you try to start it… root@www:/etc/apache2/sites-available# service varnish start * Starting HTTP accelerator varnishd [fail] SMA.s0: max size 512 MB. Too many arguments (\…) usage: varnishd [options] -a … and so on, and you have tried and tried to edit /etc/default/varnish till you’re…

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