Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How can tweets be archived for proof

    Suhel Seth being sued by ITC and subsequently deleting some tweets raises the question of how tweets can be used as proof after deletion. The old method of screenshots raises questions of tampering and linking to the tweet is no use once it is deleted.

  • HTML Tidy on Ubuntu

    Uh… this could have been a tweet instead of a post. in your terminal, paste: apt-get install php5-tidy Answer “y” when asked. Done. Just to make this last longer… if this doesn’t do the trick, you aren’t logged in as root. try: sudo apt-get install php5-tidy Restart Apache service apache2 restart Now, really, I’m done.…

  • Pagespeed + Apache2 on Ubuntu Server

    I try and get all my installing done before I get into putting files on the server. So, if I wreck something and have to start over, I haven’t wasted a lot of upload and setting up time. This server I am describing runs Ubuntu Server and I am using it to run a few wordpress sites.…

  • Configuring Varnish Cache for WordPress

    Oh, so you installed Varnish, what good will it do, if most of your content is not cached? I went for the “Preparing Varnish/Wordpress? for a Slashdotting in 60 seconds or less… ” code provided on the Varnish site. Its rather ruthless, but I’m not particularly attached to seeing the logged in version of my websites that…

  • Whys and Why-nots of Varnish-Caching WordPress

    After Installing the default server and getting it trouble free and upgraded, its time to set things up as they are meant to be. And unless you have a very dynamic site, you should try Varnish Cache. Its far faster than others, because it sits on the front of the server and serves cache instantly…

  • Installing Varnish Cache for WordPress on Ubuntu Server

    My intention is to whiz up the WordPress. The best of both worlds, so to say. WordPress is very cool, but needs some serious speed boost to lose that leisurely blog feel. So here’s how you do it. Please remember, this is code I use on Ubuntu. If that is not your server, you are…

  • Fresh Server Install – Ubuntu Server Edition

    Your VPS offers you the possibility of a fresh installation, reinstall OS they call it. Do that. Use Ubuntu 10.10 Please note that I am no computer expert, I am telling you what worked for me. The default installation of Ubuntu doesn’t have locale set. You will get “locale failed” variety errors when you install…

  • Hello beginners!

    So, the beginning of yet another blog for me. I realize that I am fast learning a lot of things related with computers and servers and website design and functionality in particular. Thought I needed a place to document it. Currently happening in my life is getting kicked out of a shared server, business hosting…

  • Styling links, but not image links

    Styling links, but not image links

    A technique to not style image links when you style links in general.

Got any book recommendations?