Category: Nginx
Nginx with http/2 and usability problems
So Nginx released the mainline version 1.9.5 and then 1.9.6 with an experimental http/2 module. For those using spdy, the upgrade in itself should be simple, by simply replacing “spdy” with “http2” in the listen directive in the server configuration. The server will not start till this change is made. Sadly, what should have been…
Disable SSLv3 on Nginx to prevent #POODLE vulnerability
In the wake of POODLE vulnerability discovered in SSLv3, surprising number of people are not sure how to disable SSLv3. So here is how to do it. In your Nginx SSL configuration, find the line that shows the protocols. It will be something like this: ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; Remove the SSLv3 from it…
Upload Error: client intended to send too large body
If you are using Nginx and are unable to upload files exceeding 1MB or so (most common) and get your error log shows “client intended to send too large body”, then here is the fix. Edit your Nginx configuration file (which on Debian/Ubuntu will be found at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) and edit the setting for client_max_body_size to something…
Nginx-1.5.6 with ngx_pagespeed (Google Pagespeed module) and ngx_cache_purge
So I got tired of fiddling around with repositories offering builds that compiled ngx_pagespeed with Nginx. I was getting a lot of errors, was using older versions of Nginx and was not able to make the dotdeb repository work. I was wary of compiling, because I’m a creature of habit, and I like my Nginx…
Redirect www to non-www on Nginx
How to redirect the version of your website to version on Nginx? Here is how. You basically have to make two server blocks. The block with your normal configuration should be the version you want, the version you want to redirect should have a simple rewrite rule alone. For example, to redirect…