Category: Snippets
Varnish config for wordpress with ngx_pagespeed and wp-touch
This is the Varnish config I am using currently. It is working with wp-touch, pagespeed and wordpress and (bonus) deals with the pagespeed not allowing pages to cache. No time for pretty comments and explanations, here’s the code. I will answer questions, or come back and explain the code in comments – but it is…
Free space in your WordPress install by deleting old image sizes
If you change your theme often, your uploads folder will accumulate thumbnails of images in many sizes that you no longer use. This consumes disk space unnecessarily. I wish someone coded a plugin for this, but failing that, a handy way to do this via SSH is: find . -name *-250×250.* | xargs rm -f…
How to retrieve your passwords saved in Google Chrome or Chromium on ubuntu linux
This post explains how you can export unencrypted, readable, usable passwords saved in Google Chrome as a spreadsheet table.
bash: add-apt-repository: command not found
If you are trying to add a ppa repository and get the following error bash: add-apt-repository: command not found You need to install python-software-properties, like so apt-get install python-software-properties If you have python-software-properties installed and are still getting this error, there is some problem with the package. Uninstall and reinstall it. apt-get remove python-software-properties –purge…
Need to install jpegtran?
If you are optimizing your blog/site, you may end up needing a package for optimizing images called jpegtran It is a part of another package called libjpeg-progs To install, simply install the package, like so apt-get install libjpeg-progs Done.
Need to install jpegtran?
If you are optimizing your blog/site, you may end up needing a package for optimizing images called jpegtran It is a part of another package called libjpeg-progs To install, simply install the package, like so apt-get install libjpeg-progs Done.
Styling links, but not image links
A technique to not style image links when you style links in general.